treme engineering
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Afconians erect two 85MT steel box girders with
radius curvature of 50m each at Tirupati Smart City project.
Find out how they achieved this mind-bending feat.

The dismantling of the Downstream Lane of
MG Setu is now complete. Here is an overview
of the project milestone.

Minister of Local Government, Zambia, Mr Charles Banda praises Afcons for its impartial and inclusive approach that has benefitted local contractors in the Lusaka City Decongestion project. Mr Banda appreciates the collaborative spirit which has not only led to successful completion of the project, but has also strengthened the India-Zambia bilateral relationship.

The Pandoh-Takoli Bypass Project achieved another important breakthrough (Tunnel T4-03 - LHS) from Hanogi to Rainsala in July 2021.
Here are glimpses of the breakthrough moment and other parts of the project.